New in this version

If you run into any problems, please report them on the friendly Fingertips support forum (via the Fingertips website).

Most of the bugs we have fixed throughout the years, and many of the new features we introduced, were due to questions and reports of users like you.
Many thanks!




Fingertips 3.9.6 gamma (June 2021)

Bug Fixes

[Fix] More fix attempts for multiple screen users





Fingertips 3.9.5 gamma (June 2021)

Bug Fixes

[Fix] Fixed extra large command windows for some users
[Fix] Second attempt to fix a previous fix (undo), because it placed the command window at the junction of multiple screens





Fingertips 3.9.4 gamma (June 2021)

Bug Fixes

[Fix] Fixed a previous fix (undo) because it put the command window in the midst of two desktops, when using multiple monitors


User Interface

[Change] When you type a slash in the command window, it will now be expanded to https:// instead of http://





Fingertips 3.9.2 gamma (June 2021)

Bug Fixes

[Fix] Enabled Ctrl+A in memo controls in Options screen
[Fix] Fixed bug that would sometimes cause the main screen to display at the bottom edge, instead of in the center of the screen
[Fix] Increased height of the command window to display all calculations properly
[Fix] Fixed a bug that caused Fingertype to ignore the phrases, when searching in the Options Screen


User Interface

[Change] Ctrl+H now starts with https://
[Change] The calculator now displays a = sign, instead of the [Calc] caption
[Upgrade] You can now press the Delete key to remove an single item from the Clipboard History screen
[Change] Remove {nospace} from script to make switching from text to script a little easier



[New] Use {weeknr} in Fingertype to insert the current week number



[Upgrade] All executable files, including the installer and de-installer, are now signed





Fingertips 3.8.0 gamma (June 2020)


[Update]  Changed the web address for reporting bugs
[Helpfile]  Updated this help file with a new look and feel
[Website]  Updated the Fingertips website with a new look and feel
[Website]  Started a new Tips section on the new Fingertips website





Fingertips 3.7.3 gamma (April 2020)

User Interface

[Update]  Added Week number in main screen when displaying current time (hold Ctrl+1 in command window)
[Update] Allow for Unicode characters (like emojis) in Fingertype phrases
[Update]  Allow Unicode characters (like emojis) in Clipboard history



[Update]  Allow ^ operator to calculate exponentiation
[Update]  Format result of calculation with thousands separators
[Update]  Update readme.txt, order.txt and license.txt
[Update]  Changed all internal http-links to direct https-links to avoid redirects





Fingertips 3.1 gamma (Spring 2017)

User Interface

[Update]  Brought back Alt+1-5 accelerator keys for the tabs themselves, to avoid conflicts with accelerator keys on the tab surfaces (thanks, Marcel!)



[Removed] Disabled DIAGMODE-ON feature



[Update]  When you add an auto-close delimiter to an Outlook e-mail command, the mail will now be sent automatically (with regards to the one and only David who begged me for many months to add this for him). Please note, if you have switched off Outlook's automatic send/retrieve (which I recommend), the message that Fingertips creates and sends for you will end up in your Outlook Outbox and you'll still have to press F9 for Send/Receive in Outlook itself.





Fingertips 3.0.1 gamma (March 2016)

User Interface

[Update]  New interface design and new Fingertips logo
[Feature] Added ² as new option for shortcut keys, honoring my Belgian friends with their AZERTY-keyboards


Bug Fixes

[Fix] One or two characters by themselves cannot be sum, so they shouldn't be calculated [Calc]
[Fix] ++ by itself cannot be a calculation, check if there are at least two numerals in the sum [Calc]
[Fix] Increased wait time when starting the Outlook application to 5 seconds, to avoid errors
[Fix] Cannot change Visible error
[Fix] I/O error 32 (Sharing violation - file in use by another process) from BackupTwitterAccountsFile
[Fix] After showing the New Fingertype phrase dialog, the command window was displayed automatically
[Fix] Fixed a memory leak, Fingertips now uses less memory
[Fix] Reset Fingertype when Options Screen of Command Window is closed




Fingertips 2.9.4 gamma (January 2015)

Bug Fixes

[Fix]  Attempt fix for APPCRASH KERNELBASE.dll error
[Fix]  Removed "Hang-detection", because of a problem with the supporting library




Fingertips 2.9.2 gamma (November 2014)

User Interface

[Feature]  New dialog for selecting stored Clipboard History items. Much faster to work with, due to the new Search function.
[Change]  The Clipboard History function now stores 9,999 items, instead of just 30.
[Feature]  If you create a new command, while you have a URL on the clipboard, the URL will be automatically put in the Filename/URL field for your new command. This makes it much easier to create 'Favorite'-like Fingertips commands.



[Feature] When entering just some text without a command, Fingertips will now execute the default command when you press enter in the command window (default: g = Google). You can set the default command in the Options Dialog by selecting a command and right-clicking in the details pane on the right and click "Mark As Default Command".



[Feature]  Added {SLEEP} as a new command for scripting. This code will pause the execution of the rest of the script for half a second.
[Feature]  Added {SPACE} as a new keyname in Fingertype.
[Fix] When you trigger a Fingertype expansion with the spacebar, that space will now be typed behind the phrase as well. If you don't want that for a specific command, you can add the code {NoSpace} after the phrase for that command. Working on a better way to specify this...



[Feature]  Fingertips will now create a logfile, to help with troubleshooting. It is automatically created in this location: My Documents\fingertips\logfile\fingertips.log
[Feature]  When doing a calculation in Fingertips command window, you can now press Enter to type the result in the active application.


Bug Fixes

[Bugfix]  Miscellaneous Bug Fixes regarding Outlook memory errors, conversion errors, file creation errors, etcetera.





Fingertips 2.8 gamma (February 2014)


[Bugfix]  Couple of Bug Fixes that hindered general operations, including a case where Fingertips wouldn't start at all.
[Bugfix]  Fixed a bug where clicking the Parameters Browse button in the Options Dialog could lead to an Access Violation error.



[Feature]  Fingertype now works when you select a folder from the Options Dialog, as long as you haven't touched the phrases in the Options Dialog. This is useful for people that store folder paths (e.g. "c:\data\myproject\planning\projectplan\") as acronyms (e.g. "mpl") and enables them to reach their destination quickly when they want to create a new command to open a new file in a folder for which they have such an acronym. (I use this all the time myself :)).




Fingertips 2.7 gamma (December 2013)


[Feature]  Twitter support has been removed from Fingertips again, due to a new authentication process on Twitter's side. We hope to bring it back again sometime, but right now supporting Twitter is not feasible for us, unfortunately.




Fingertips 2.6 gamma (November 2013)


[Feature]  Fingertype can now read acronyms from files, which makes it possible to share acronyms between multiple users in one company or team. See Multi-user Fingertype acronyms for more details.




Fingertips 2.5 gamma (May 2013)


[Feature] Added Twitter support again, this time with oAuth authentication.



[Bugfix]  Fingertype duplicating received keys in some cases. We hope this will solve the mysterious not working of Fingertype on some computers.


User Interface

[Change]  Options window, Browse for file dialog, folder will already be pre-opened now.
[Bugfix]  Sometimes on Fingertips start, not all text in the command window was selected.
[Bugfix]  Sometimes icon was not displayed at start.
[Bugfix]  Fingertips sometimes lost top window status.
[Bugfix]  Fixed tab problem on some parts of Options window.
[Bugfix]  New Fingertype Phrase window not opened in the background anymore.
[Bugfix]  Date and Time will now disappear after releasing Ctrl+1.
[Bugfix]  Balloon messages closing problem fixed.



[Bugfix]  Fixed blocked installations of new software, like iTunes.
[Bugfix]  Access violation when database is not in proper format fixed.
[Bugfix]  Fast Internet Explorer loading caused error when IE is not available.
[Bugfix]  Fast Internet Explorer loading didn't close the IE process properly.
[Bugfix]  Loading database error fixed.
[Bugfix]  Access violation when opening Options form in some cases fixed.
[Bugfix]  Database access error, displaying message "At end of table" fixed.





Fingertips 2.4.3 gamma (December 2012)


[Change]        Changed color of Outlook balloon to blue, like the rest of Fingertips
[Change]        Added the paragraph sign (§) to the list of possible hotkeys
[Change]        Increased size of FilenameUrl and Parameters fields in to allow for longer URL's, handy for Sharepoint users
[Bugfix]        Fixed an Access Violation error
[Bugfix]        Fixed a memory allocation error
[Bugfix]        When command window is launched, the focus sometimes doesn't transfer well to Fingertips - hope that we fixed this one now
[Bugfix]        Sometimes, the command window didn't recognize the full command when you typed the first few characters.
[Bugfix]        Sometimes, running Fingertips would prohibit other applications to install properly
[Bugfix]        Sometimes, Prefer Microsoft Internet Explorer was not visible




Fingertips 2.4 gamma (October 2012)


[Change]  'Back to blue' interface. The command window is blue again, like in the beginning of Fingertips 7 years ago
[Bugfix]  Command window should be displayed fine now, when screen font set to 125%
[Bugfix]  https:// hyperlinks on clipboard were changed to http:// when displayed in main control window, not anymore
[Bugfix]  Removed Fingertips button from taskbar




Fingertips 2.0.2 gamma (September 2011)


[Bugfix]  Fixed a bug where you had to specify all shortcut keys yourself after a clean install of Fingertips.





Fingertips 2.0 gamma (September 2011)


[Feature]  You can now specify a global shortcut key to add new phrases to Fingertype. By default Win + ` is used.
[Bugfix]  The acronym is now reset when you click the mouse anywhere on the screen. From that moment on, Fingertype will start 'listening' for a new acronym again.





Fingertips 1.9.2 gamma (August 2011)

User Interface

[Bugfix]  Fixed an issue where the edit box in the command window didn't get focus all the time when activating Fingertips.
[Bugfix]  Fixed an issue where Fingertips would 'hang'.
[Bugfix]  Fixed an issue where Fingertips would execute the wrong command when you pressed Enter too soon after the command.
[Bugfix]  Miscellaneous small Bug Fixes.
[Feature]  You can now use Alt+1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 from the command window to display the tabs in the Options Screen.
[Feature]  You can now use Ctrl+H to add or remove http:// and https:// in front of a url in the command window.
[Feature]  Added a Diagnostics feature to troubleshoot Fingertype and other problems. For more information, ask in the Fingertips forums (click the Support menu at the top right of



[Bugfix]  Fixed a few issues where Fingertype wouldn't behave properly. If Fingertype still doesn't work on your computer, please visit the forum and try the new Diagnostics feature to help us fix all these issues.
[Change]  Pressing Enter in the command window, will not expand acronyms anymore. Tab or space will still do that, though.





Fingertips 1.8.9 gamma (October 2010)


[Bugfix]  When the old Fingertips phrases database contained an empty acronym, Fingertips would crash while upgrading that database. Should be fixed now.




Fingertips 1.8.7 gamma (October 2010)


[Bugfix]  Fixed a few bugs that stopped Fingertype from working correctly in certain situations.




Fingertips 1.8.6 gamma (September 2010)


[Feature] Added support for parameters {3} until {9}.
[Bugfix] Fixed an issue where Fingertips would hang when you tried to execute a command with an invalid Filename/URL,
like for instance: "c:\doesnotexist.exe".
[Bugfix] Fixed an error with percentage-signs in the Filename/URL field (like %{1}%), a leftover of a very old version of Fingertips.
[Bugfix] Fixed an issue where "c:\data" was not recognized if it was a folder instead of a file.
[Change] The built-in Fingertips commands Help, Setup and Exit are now available as 'Windows' commands in the Options Dialog. They will be created in your commands database when these command-names do not yet exist.



[Change] Fingertype will now also process {date}, {_} and {clipboard} tags in Fingertype scripts.
[Bugfix] Improved some situations in which Fingertype wouldn't work correctly yet.
[Bugfix] An empty acronym in the Options Dialog would cause all kinds of trouble. Now a message is shown that this situation should be corrected.



[Change] Some Outlook exceptions are now displayed by Fingertips itself in a green box in the right bottom corner of the screen. This is more user friendly for Exchange connection errors, among others.


User Interface

[Bugfix] Fixed a problem with the New / Setup / Edit button on the command screen, where that button couldn't be accessed with the mouse anymore. (Using the shortcut key Alt+E is always faster than using the mouse.)
[Change] Updated the Fingertips user interface to look a bit more modern, and fixed quite a few layout problems in the Options Dialog. (With more to come in later versions...)
Added an 'Expand phrase' button to the third tab of the Options Dialog.
Made sure that you cannot add a Fingertype acronym with a space in it.
Added support for Outlook 2010 - display icon.



[Change] Unfortunately, Twitter has implemented a new security policy that Fingertips cannot support yet. This means that we have disabled Twitter support from Fingertips. But because we hope to solve this in the future, we have still left your Twitter commands available in the database. When you try to execute one of these Twitter commands, Fingertips will display the message "Sorry, Twitter is not supported anymore."
[Change] For security reasons, Fingertips will remove all Twitter passwords from it's commands database when starting up. Please note that (automatically created) backups can still contain your password.




Fingertips 1.7.7 gamma (May 2010)


[Bugfix] Fixed a few small bugs.
[Change]  Added support for UPX by Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar and John F. Reiser.





Fingertips 1.7.5 gamma (May 2010)


[Bugfix] Fixed a few small bugs.
[Change] Changed the startup behaviour, so that when Fingertips is already running, a new instance will not activate the old version anymore, but will also not lead to Fingertips staying on the task bar unnecessary.



[Change] Added some features to fingertype.dll for further improvement of the Fingertype functionality.




Fingertips 1.7.3 gamma (April 2010)


[Bugfix] Fixed a problem with the Clipboard History feature, that cause 100% CPU utilization for people using Remote Desktop.
[Change] When Fingertips encounters a serious problem, you will now get the option to send information about that error to us, so that we should be able to much more easily find and fix problems with Fingertips.




Fingertips 1.6.2 gamma (February 2010)


[Bugfix] Tried to fix an "Unterminated String Constant" error for Nathan, because he cannot play his computer games now ;-)



[Bugfix] When using the {|}, the cursor is now positioned on the right place before restoring the clipboard
[Change] When Fingertype cannot capture or restore the clipboard, it retries several times. We have now set the number of retries to a much lower number, so that it takes less time trying. We favor speed over restoring the clipboard.
[Change] Limited auto reading the start menu, so that it won't run if the last time it ran is less than 2 minutes ago, to avoid endless loops and system load.
[Change] Added an option 'Auto-update Favorites/Start Menu when change detected' to the Options Dialog, so you can switch off this behaviour.
[Change] Added an option to enable/disable the restoration of the clipboard after using Fingertype, so you can switch off this behaviour.




Fingertips 1.6.1 gamma (January 2010)


[Bugfix] You can now again open a folder again by just specifying the foldername as the Filename/URL property of a command.
[Bugfix] Improved loading from the Start Menu, so that iTunes, Disk Defragmenter and other applications work well.
Fingertips will now display a message if you enter an unrecognized command.
Removed the Web Fields items in the Options Dialog - they can't be used with Internet Explorer 7 and 8 anymore anyway.
Introduced new native commands SETUP, HELP and EXIT (if you already had created commands with these names yourself, they should remain activated).



[Bugfix] Fixed a few memory leaks. Fingertips should now use less memory.
Improved the loading speed of Fingertips.
The installer now has an option to automatically start Fingertips when Windows starts.
The Command Window is now centered on the screen every time it is displayed. This is especially useful when you switch display resolutions.
Auto startup now doesn't need  rights anymore. No special 'right click' instructions necessary anymore.



Twitter has started to use the phrase "What's happening?" - that is now also shown in the Fingertips Options Dialog.
Twitter password isn't displayed anymore for security reasons. It is replaced by asterisks or dots. The password is still stored as unencrypted text in the Fingertips database.
Fingertips now displays the command description in addition to the countdown timer for the number of characters in the Tweet.



[Bugfix] Empty Fingertype acronyms caused problems. Fixed.
[Bugfix] Trailing spaces vanished when pasting a phrase in Microsoft Office. Fixed now.
[Bugfix] Fixed an issue where Fingertips didn't see the difference between a regular key and an accelerator key.
You can now use the dot (.) to expand a Fingertype acronym as well.
The Fingertype tab on the Options Dialog will now display a warning if Fingertype isn't enabled on the Miscellaneous tab to avoid confusion for new users.
The contents of the clipboard will be restored again after pasting a phrase.
Added a slider in the Options Dialog to set how long Fingertips should wait after typing a Fingertype phrase in the active application, before it restores the clipboard. Set it farther to the left on fast computers, and more to the right on slow ones.



[Bugfix] When creating a new item (e.g. e-mail, task, appointment), it is now brought to the front and gets focus immediately.
[Bugfix] When selecting an Outlook Folder in the Options Dialog, the Select Folder Dialog is now brought to the foreground properly.
The prototype command for Outlook 'Find Contact' was removed.
If you install Fingertips fresh, you'll see a new command 'f - Find Contact (WDS)'. This one starts the following URL to search for a contact via Windows Desktop Search (you may need to download and install the latest version of Windows Desktop Search yourself):
 search-ms:query={1} kind:contact
If you have upgraded from an older version of Fingertips, you may want to create a new 'f' Command with this exact same URL yourself.


Internet Explorer

Fingertips now also reads very long favorites, as long as they don't contain spaces, dots or slashes.
Fingertips now also reads favorites that are stored in a sub folder of the main Favorites folder.
When you create a new favorite in Internet Explorer, Fingertips will now automatically rebuild it's list with Favorites, so you don't have to press Ctrl+R yourself anymore.


User Interface

You can now also close Fingertips by pressing Alt+F4 in the Command Window.
The Options Dialog has a new button, 'Expand', with which you can edit the text of an e-mail command in a bigger dialog.


Built-in Calculator

Fingertips now has a built-in calculator which recognizes the following characters: +-*/%1234567890().
Fingertips will immediately show the result of the calculation. If it cannot evaluate the expression, it will display '???'.
If Fingertips does not recognize the text as a calculation right away, you may want to put a plus sign (+), a minus sign (-) or an opening brace in front of your calculation.




Fingertips 1.5.1 gamma (September 2009)

This version is a minor upgrade. It fixes some bugs.




Fingertips 1.5 gamma (August 2009)

This version is a minor upgrade. It fixes some bugs.




Fingertips 1.4 gamma (July 2009)

This version is a minor upgrade. It doesn't contain any new functionality, but we are in the process of stabilizing the source code and fixing some bugs.



The contents of the clipboard will be restored after an acronym will be replaced by the full phrase (via the clipboard).
(However: this didn't work well and we removed it again. New try in Fingertips 1.6.)


Bugs fixed

Whenever a Fingertype script is executed, the contents of the clipboard are not replaced anymore with the script itself.
You can now expand a Fingertype acronym by pressing the dot (.) on your keyboard.
Some people have encountered problems with saving the database - especially the Actions database. This is a very difficult bug to fix as it is unclear when and why it happens. In this version we have again taken some steps to try to fix this seriously annoying problem.




Fingertips 1.3 gamma


Bugs fixed

Fixed a bug where Fingertips would crash when you executed a URL that was longer than 255 characters.
Fingertips will now see a double quote (") or a single quote (') as the end of a URL when checking the contents of the clipboard.
Implemented a better way to display the icon of the default browser.
Fixed a bug where the Clipboard History database file was not cleared when choosing the 'Clear Clipboard History' menu item.
Improved Twitter error handling.
Added two CRLF's after the 'FINGERTIPS ACRONYMS' title in the exported text of the List command.
We received a few reports from people losing their commands, on Windows XP computers only it seems. This release contains a modification that may fix that problem, but as we cannot test for an issue that happens only ever so often, we are not sure. Please send us an e-mail if you encounter this issue on your computer with this version of Fingertips.


Database location

You can now specify a different foldername for the settings and the databases using the fingertips.ini file that is located in the same folder as fingertips.exe. This should allow for running Fingertips from a USB stick, putting the files in the AppData folder or any other place where you'd like to store them. The sample fingertips.ini contains some suggestions on how to use this.


Options dialog
Upgraded the look and feel of the Options Dialog.
Added some explanation on the Options Dialog about the Start Menu Items. We received a lot of e-mail about this, and hope that this new functionality is more clear now.
The List command now respects the 'Hide' checkboxes and the words that are entered in the 'Search' edit fields for both commands and acronyms.
You can now copy a Start Menu item or an Internet Explorer Favorite. The copy will be a regular application/URL action.
Added a checkbox 'Hide Start Menu Items' to the Options Dialog.
Any double quote characters (") will now be stripped from a Filename, before trying to execute an application.
The 'select Outlook folder' button with the ellipsis (...) has been removed and replaced by another button named 'Folder' for easier access by keyboard.
The Fingertype list on the Options Dialog will now display a description, even if the description field has not been filled in. It will then show the first characters of the phrase itself.



Greatly improved the speed of re-reading the database after modifications have been made in the Options Dialog.


Parameter handling

New Twitter commands will now automatically have a '{1}' in the What are you doing? box. This {1} will be replaced with the first parameter (the actual text) you type in the Fingertips command window.
You can now use comma's in Tweets. When an action definition does not contain {2} or {3}, Fingertips will put all parameter content in {1}, including parameter separators (that is a comma by default).
You can now press the Tab key in the command window to add a parameter separator and a space. This makes it easier to add parameter separators that are not so easily reachable on the keyboard, like the pipe symbol (|) if you'd like to use such a symbol instead of a comma.



Finally found a way to keep the default Outlook signature when creating a new mail! Right now this will only work if you do not modify the Body field from Fingertips.
Added some code to try to make sure that new Outlook Items would receive focus properly on Windows Vista, instead of showing the flashing button on the taskbar when another application has the focus. Not sure yet if this really does fix it.



Fingertype now recognizes a dot (.) as the beginning of a new line. Right after the dot you can start typing a Fingertype acronym.



Removed the Windows Taskbar Balloons - as they had some nasty side effects. Replaced the functionality with our own Fingertips balloon.
Fingertips will now display an error message (in the new balloon) when a file or document cannot be found.






'Read Windows Start menu' has been added as an option.




Fingertips 1.2 gamma


The commands database will be automatically upgraded to facilitate some new functionality in Fingertips 1.2.
Fingertips will now automatically add items from the Start Menu as commands.
Fingertips displays the icon of the application that you're about to start (not perfect, yet).
Press Enter in an empty command window and Fingertips will vanish (just like Esc).
Press Ctrl+F in the command window to search for a command.
The Options screen now has a List commands button to export the current commands to the clipboard for printing.
You can now set the WindowState (Normal, Maximized, Minimized) for each command.
You can now specify that you want a new window to be used for Outlook commands.
Added {Clipboard} as an alternative to the {1}, {2} and {3} codes.



The code {_} in a phrase will be replaced with a single space, this may be handy at the end of a phrase.
The code {date:yyyy-mm-dd} in a phrase will be replaced with the current date, you can specify the format of the date yourself.
The code {Clipboard} in a phrase will be replaced with the contents of the Windows Clipboard.
The code {|} in a phrase will be used to position the cursor.
Press Ctrl+N in the Fingertips command window to quickly add an acronym + phrase.
Press Ctrl+Shift+F in the command window to search for a Fingertype phrase.
Added scripting to Fingertype - you can now specify sequences of keys instead of plain text.
You can use , and ; now to expand an acronym.


New: Twitter client

Fingertips now has a built-in Twitter client that is great for quickly posting updates to Twitter.



Fingertips will now automatically backup your databases at the end of each month in a separate '\My Documents\Fingertips\Backups' folder, apart from the daily backup.


Options window

This version introduces new way to specify hotkeys. You can now use the Win key if you like.        



Fingertips will now use Windows taskbar Balloons to notify you of any problems


Bugs fixed

Windows functions like sleep, hibernate and controlpanel are working again.
Fingertips cannot access Clipboard errors should be fixed now (but you never know...).
Improved the interaction with Microsoft Outlook.
Fixed Unterminated String Constant error when pasting a long URL.
Less problems with sudden focus switches, which could result in accidentally typing over the current command.
'Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset.' error should be fixed. And if Fingertips detects a 0 Kb database, it will ask to replace. the offending file with a backup copy automatically.





Fingertips 1.0 gamma

And so it begins

July 2006, Oldest file backup of Fingertips source code