Adding Information To Microsoft Outlook

You can create commands to add information to specific Outlook Folders in Fingertips.


By default the "na" command is set up to quickly add a task item to the Tasks folder in Outlook ("na" stands for "Next Action").


The easiest way to create a new command that adds an item to another Outlook folder is by copying the "na" command and pressing the ellipsis button at the bottom right to select a different folder for your new command. You can also select the type of Outlook Item that should be created.


Another very useful command is the "em" command that creates a new e-mail. Wherever you are working in Windows, if you need to send an e-mail, you just open Fingertips (Ctrl+`), press "em" and Enter and you can start typing your e-mail. You can even specify default text for the body of your e-mail. This makes it really easy to create default messages for ordering printer toner, coffee, or to send regular status updates with a specific format.